About us
The Charlie Chaplin Museum Foundation is a non-profit organisation set up in April 2001 with the aim of creating a museum dedicated to the life and work of Chaplin in his own home, the Manoir de Ban in Corsier-sur-Vevey, Switzerland.
Since Chaplin’s World opened in April 2016, the Foundation’s mission has been to contribute to the development of the museum and its future programme of cultural activities with the values represented in Chaplin’s work always in mind.
Charlie Chaplin’s art is universal – his Tramp character continues to inspire laughter worldwide.
His message of tolerance and humanism transcends cultures, continents and centuries, and his messages of peace and courage still resound today.
The Charlie Chaplin Museum Foundation is committed to organizing and collaborating in charitable, social and humanitarian initiatives linked with the promotion of art and culture in Switzerland and beyond, in order to pursue and spread the humanist values associated with Chaplin’s work.

Join us
Art can guide us through these uncertain times and your support allows us to share Chaplin’s artistic and humanistic heritage through fun and educational cultural activities, such as temporary exhibitions, concerts, creative workshops, conferences and more. Our foundation strives to bring people together to learn more about Chaplin’s art.
Please consider making a donation to support our mission. No matter the amount, your donation makes a difference.
Click here to discover how you can donate.
Thank you for your continued support. We cannot do it without you.
Donating to the Charlie Chaplin Museum Foundation means supporting:

Presentations, conferences, talks and expert panels related to music and film

Creative workshops and fun events for kids to learn about Chaplin’s work

Concerts, screenings, temporary exhibitions and more…
How to donate
Your donation can help support our initiatives in developing cultural activities at Chaplin’s World.
The Charlie Chaplin Museum Foundation is a non-profit organisation. Donations and membership fees are exempt from taxes and can be deducted in full at federal, cantonal and municipal levels. On request, we can provide an annual certificate for tax purposes.
Donation via bank transfer
Fondation du Musée Charlie Chaplin
1804 Corsier-sur-Vevey
IBAN : CH47 00767 000K 5030 6300
Clearing 767
Banque Cantonale Vaudoise
Case postale
1003 Lausanne
For administrative reasons, we are not able to accept cheques. Thank you for your understanding
Donation via credit card
The Charlie Chaplin Museum Foundation is an officially recognized non-profit organisation, supervised by PKF Fiduciaire SA in Vevey.
We guarantee financial transparency in donation procedures, and in their allocation.
Donations to the Charlie Chaplin Museum Foundation are eligible for a tax reduction, according to articles 33a and 59 para. 2 of Swiss federal tax law.
In order to reach its charitable goals, the Charlie Chaplin Museum Foundation requires continued financial support. When you donate to the Charlie Chaplin Museum Foundation, you can choose whether your donation will be used to finance a specific artistic or educational project, or whether the funds are used to acquire heritage objects for the museum.
The Foundation is looking for support for its 2022 cultural and educational programme celebrating Charlie Chaplin’s “The Kid”
Charlie Chaplin was a master of many trades: actor, director, composer and musician, writer, producer, acrobat…
His multifaceted genius is reflected in Chaplin’s World but remains to be explored in even greater depth through temporary exhibitions, circus-related events, concerts, cultural events for all ages… the list is long, as Chaplin’s heritage covers many arts.
The Foundation would like to offer all visitors to Chaplin’s World a range of cultural activities and unique experiences, in particular related to cinema, music and the art of the circus.
18th of November 2021 – 5.30pm
In the lead-up to the 2022 season dedicated to one of Chaplin’s most personal films, the Charlie Chaplin Museum Foundation is inviting you to a free showing of the film “The Kid” at the cinema in the Studio at Chaplin’s World on Thursday, 18 November 2021 at 5.30pm in the company of Eugene Chaplin, Charlie Chaplin’s son.
18th of March to 25th of September 2022
From 18th of March to 25th of September 2020, the exhibition “The Kid” will allow young and old alike to immerse themselves in the film’s universe, between laughter and emotion, through the spectrum of Chaplin’s childhood, his resilience and his incredible journey from poverty to worldwide fame. This exhibition, curated by none other than Yves Durand, designer of Chaplin’s World, is presented as a world premiere at Chaplin’s World.
23rd of March 2021 – 5.30pm
To celebrate the centenary of the film “The Kid”, the Charlie Chaplin Museum Foundation is organising a screening of the film “The Kid” at the cinema in the Studio at Chaplin’s World in the company of Eugene Chaplin, Charlie Chaplin’s son.
Location: The Studio, Chaplin’s World
Schedule: Entrance at 5.30 pm, film screening at 6 pm followed by a discussion with Eugene Chaplin
Ends: 19:30
Price: CHF 10.00
15th of April to 1st of May 2022
From 15th of April to 1st of May 2022, the circus is coming to Chaplin’s World! The young students of the Alchimie circus school will present a show under the circus tent based on the film “The Kid”. Numerous activities will allow young and old alike to experience memorable moments!


the dream behind the project
The idea for an ambitious, large-scale museum dedicated to Charlie Chaplin and his life’s work came about in the year 2000, when Swiss architect Philippe Meylan and Quebecois curator, film buff and Chaplin aficionado Yves Durand first met. The project was brought to life by a dedicated group, made up of business people, artists and key local players, as well as teams of architects, engineers and designers, working together with the Charlie Chaplin Museum Foundation.
In March 2003, the local councils of the villages of Corsier, Chardonne, Corseaux and Jongny wholeheartedly accepted to support the project with a bank guarantee. The Conférence des syndics, a Swiss Riviera mayors’ organisation, set up a working group that led to the support of the entire district.
Chaplin’s World is the product of ten years of work: market and feasibility studies, site renovation, and scenic design, as well as consultation and co-operation with Swiss authorities and stakeholders. This unique project brought together financial and institutional partners such as the Canton of Vaud, local authorities, cultural and tourist organisations, and businesses on the Swiss Riviera.
a solid foundation
Chaplin’s World is now established as an exemplary cultural, touristic and economic project in the region, through the support of the following bodies: The Charlie Chaplin Museum Foundation, Association Chaplin (the artist’s legal heirs), Roy Export SA.S. (owners of the rights to Chaplin’s films made from 1918 onwards), Bubbles Incorporated SA (holders of the rights associated with Chaplin’s image and likeness), Chaplin Museum Development and Nestlé Switzerland (the project’s development sponsor).
It also received the support of the Canton de Vaud, with the extension of an economic development loan of CHF10m (€8.2m), which is backed by ten neighbouring municipalities. Their commitment demonstrates the project’s economic, cultural and touristic significance.

The Charlie Chaplin Museum Foundation members include:
Michael Chaplin
Honorary President – Member of the Chaplin family
Michel Henry
Interim President
Victoria Thiérée-Chaplin
Vice-President – Member of the Chaplin family
Mounia Atiki
Serge Reichen
Eugène Chaplin
Member of the Chaplin family
Yves Durand
Conceptor and developer of Chaplin’s World
Philippe Meylan
Conceptor and developer of Chaplin’s World
Yves-Philippe Bloch
Member of the Charlie Chaplin Museum Foundation
Annick Barbezat-Perrin
Member of the Charlie Chaplin Museum Foundation
Morten Maegaard
Member of the Charlie Chaplin Museum Foundation
Bernard Schär
Member of the municipal council of Corsier-sur-Vevey
The Foundation works in close collaboration with the Chaplin Office in Paris, which represents the other members of the Chaplin family and the companies that manage Chaplin’s name and image rights, the rights to his films and his archives.

Charlie Chaplin Museum Foundation
Route de Fenil 6
1804 Corsier-sur-Vevey
Chaplin’s World
Route de Fenil 2
1804 Corsier-sur-Vevey
+41 21 903 01 30
The Chaplin Office
58 Rue Jean Jacques Rousseau
75001 Paris, France
+33 1 40 26 31 23