Make a donation
Your donation can help support our initiatives in developing cultural activities at Chaplin’s World.
The Charlie Chaplin Museum Foundation is a non-profit organisation. Donations and membership fees are exempt from taxes and can be deducted in full at federal, cantonal and municipal levels. On request, we can provide an annual certificate for tax purposes.
Donation via credit card
Donation via bank transfer
Fondation du Musée Charlie Chaplin
1804 Corsier-sur-Vevey
IBAN : CH47 00767 000K 5030 6300
Clearing 767
Banque Cantonale Vaudoise
Case postale
1003 Lausanne
For administrative reasons, we are not able to accept cheques. Thank you for your understanding
The Charlie Chaplin Museum Foundation is an officially recognized non-profit organisation, supervised by PKF Fiduciaire SA in Vevey.
We guarantee financial transparency in donation procedures, and in their allocation.
Donations to the Charlie Chaplin Museum Foundation are eligible for a tax reduction, according to articles 33a and 59 para. 2 of Swiss federal tax law.
In order to reach its charitable goals, the Charlie Chaplin Museum Foundation requires continued financial support. When you donate to the Charlie Chaplin Museum Foundation, you can choose whether your donation will be used to finance a specific artistic or educational project, or whether the funds are used to acquire heritage objects for the museum.

Charlie Chaplin Museum Foundation
Route de Fenil 6
1804 Corsier-sur-Vevey
Chaplin’s World
Route de Fenil 2
1804 Corsier-sur-Vevey
+41 21 903 01 30
The Chaplin Office
58 Rue Jean Jacques Rousseau
75001 Paris, France
+33 1 40 26 31 23